InP DHBT Process in Transferred-Substrate Technology With ft and fmax Over 400 GHz
T. Krämer, M. Rudolph, F.J. Schmückle, J. Würfl, and G. Tränkle
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Gustav-Kirchhoff-Strasse 4, 12489 Berlin, Germany
Published in:
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 1897-1903 (2009).
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In this paper, a double heterojunction bipolar transistor
(DHBT) process has been developed in transferred-substrate
(TS) technology to optimize high-frequency performance. It provides
an aligned lithographic access to frontside and backside
of the device to eliminate dominant transistor parasitics. The
transistors of 0.8 × 5-µm2 emitter mesa feature ft = 410 GHz
and fmax = 480 GHz at a BVceo = 5.5 V. Parallel to the device
setup, a multilevel metallization scheme is established. It serves
as construction kit for 3-D configurations of active and passive
elements. High yield of the TS DHBTs, consistent large-signal
modeling, and accurate simulation of complex passive elements
have been demonstrated and have proved the availability of the
technology for advanced millimeter-wave circuit design.
Index Terms:
Device fabrication, device modeling, InP heterojunction
bipolar transistors (HBTs), microstrip components,
wafer bonding.
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