Uniformity of the wafer surface temperature during MOVPE growth of GaN-based laser diode structures on GaN and sapphire substrate
V. Hoffmanna, A. Knauera, F. Brunnera, S. Einfeldta, M. Weyersa, G. Tränklea, K. Haberlandc, J.-T. Zettlerc, M. Kneissla,b
a Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Gustav-Kirchhoff-Straße 4, 12489 Berlin, Germany
b Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Berlin, Hardenbergstraße 36, 10623 Berlin, Germany
b LayTec GmbH, Seesener Str. 10-13, 10709 Berlin, Germany
Published in:
J. Cryst. Growth, vol. 315, no. 1, pp. 5-9 (2011).
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Wafer bowing has a strong impact on the wavelength homogeneity of InGaN based light emitters due to
the strong temperature dependence of the In incorporation.Using in-situ curvature measurements and
pyrometry we have studied the impact of growth conditions on the lateral and vertical temperature
distribution across the wafer and on wafer bow on sapphire and GaN substrates. From the pyrometry
signal at 950 nm the temperature of the substrate holder can be deduced. Using 400 nm pyrometry the
surface temperature was determined for sufficiently thick GaN layers. While total flow and satellite
rotation were found to have no impact, the total pressure affects the vertical temperature profile and
thus the wafer bow. However, the effect is small and can only be used for fine tuning. To compensate for
the strain of the AlGaN cladding layer in laser structures precurved GaN substrates are shown to be
Photoluminescence confirmed a spatially uniform surface temperature distribution during the
deposition of the InGaN quantum well active region with a peak wavelength around 500 nm and a
deviation as low as 3.5 nm on flat sapphire substrates and precurved GaN substrates.
A1. In situ characterization; A2. Metal organic vapor phase epitaxy; A3. Low press; B1. Nitrides; B2. Semiconducting indium compounds
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