Formation of Slanted Gates for GaN-Based HEMTs by Combined Plasma and Wet Chemical Etching of Silicon Nitride

A. Thies , N. Kemf, S.A. Chevtchenko, and O. Krüger

Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Gustav-Kirchhoff-Straße 4, 12489 Berlin, Germany

Published in:
Int. Conf. on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (CS ManTech 2013), New Orleans, USA, May 13-16, paper 112 (2013).
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We propose a new method for the formation of slanted gates for GaN-based HEMTS that consists of the combination of an anisotropic plasma and an isotropic wet chemical etch step. By combining these two steps, a slanted trench is formed in silicon nitride, followed by the gate metallization sequence. During the plasma etch step, the silicon nitride is only partially etched; the slanted profile is created during the wet etch process step. The ratio of plasma etch to wet etch determines the angle of the slant. This process was successfully applied to a HEMT structure consisting of an epitaxial layer of a 17 nm thick Al0.25Ga0.75N barrier and a 5 nm thick GaN cap on a 4 inch n-type SiC substrate. The process yielded 280 nm long slanted gates. Electrical tests showed that 2×50 µm devices reached a typical maximum output current of 0.75 A/mm with a high fabrication yield.

Slanted gates, SiNx etch, phosphoric acid, plasma etch, wet etching, submicron trench