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  4. Passive elements of high-frequency electronics

Passive elements of high-frequency electronics (in German)

Announcement of Lecture for SS 2024 (0431 L 405)

Class-S demonstrator with GaN-HEMT for mobile communications base stations

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Heinrich

TUB / Fachgebiet Höchstfrequenztechnologien
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH),
Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik


  • Tuesday, 8.30 – 10.00 hrs (2 SWS)
  • 1st lecture on 23/04/2024
  • Room: TUB, Campus Charlottenburg HFT-TA 101

Summary: Passive elements form the backbone of any high-frequency circuit. This is particularly true for distributed structures such as transmission lines. The lecture provides in-depth knowledge about the common planar transmission lines and their discontinuities and junctions. A further focus area is resonators and couplers.

The lecture is part of the module #40207 "Hochfrequenzsysteme und ‑bauelemente" within the master course Elektrotechnik. It provides basic skills for the design of high-frequency circuits. Lecture language is German. The exam is oral, date/time to be agreed.


  • Most common planar transmission lines: Microstrip and coplanar waveguide
  • Planar transmission-line discontinuities and junctions
  • Spiral inductors, capacitors, and resistors
  • Resonators and filters
  • Couplers, power dividers, baluns

The lecture is part of the module #40207 "Hochfrequenzsysteme und ‑bauelemente" within the master course Elektrotechnik. It provides basic skills for microwave system design. Lecture language is German. The exam is oral, date/time to be agreed.

For further details please contact
W. Heinrich (Phone: 030 63922620, Email: wolfgang.heinrich(at)tu-berlin.de).