1. Cooperations
  2. Partner Schools

Partner Schools

Current press release on program & registration

Two students experimenting

We offer students hands-on opportunities that show how exciting science and technology can be. Young people can take a look behind the scenes of research and development. We help with career orientation with our student laboratory, visits to the institute, internships and information events on careers at the institute

Alexander-von-Humboldt Gymnasium (AvH)

... with practical projects such as the Laser AG

In January 2005, FBH and Alexander-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium (AvH) started their scholar partnerschip and sucessfully initiated and run various projects. In close cooperation with FBH scientists, students for example built up and adjusted a helium neon laser and thus directly experience how a laser works. On occasions like "Night of Sciences" the students pass their newly gained knowledge to interested visitors by explaining and demonstrating the laser principle. In addition, each year FBH offers 10 students the opportunity to learn more about basic principles and applications of light and lasers. Tasks within this FBH laser work group are ranging from experiments and measurements up to knowledge transfer of the theoretical background. Further experiments and demonstrators are developed here to illustrate FBH's research.

Lise-Meitner-Schule (LMS)

... with a joint student laboratory, as a vocational school for the microtechnology trainees and as a founding member of the Student Research Center at LMS.

Since many years, FBH and Lise-Meitner-Schule (LMS) closely cooperate. LMS - the school of science as a vocational college is involved in dual education of microtechnologists for many years. Moreover, in Autumn 2005 the joint school lab MicroLAB was founded and the already existing cooperation was fixed in December 2008 by a cooperation contract. The school lab MicroLAB connects experiments in microsystems technology with insights in scientific processes at a research institution. MicroLAB provides practical knowledge in microsystems technology for external student groups as well as for LMS pupils. The school and the institute are constantly working on improving experiments from a technical as well as from a pedagogical point of view - the results gained are then used in the education of microtechnologists and even seminar papers have been developed within this framework.

In August 2013, the Lise-Meitner-School has opened a new student research center. Motivated und gifted pupils from Berlin have the chance to get technical and scientific guidance for their own research projects in order to increase the number of pupils taking part in scientific competitions like „Jugend forscht“. The FBH is one of the founders and supporters of this center.

Other partner schools

Albert Schweitzer & Anne Frank Secondary School

In Mai 2013, the FBH has signed cooperation treaties with the Albert Schweitzer and the Anne Frank Secondary School within the Berlin-Brandenburg program for vocational orientation. A lot of activities like company visits and participation in the Girls‘ Technology Congress aim to attract youngsters to a career in optical sciences.