Organizational Structure

Structure of the Institute

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) organizes its R&D activities within Labs and Departments in four research areas. In these fields, the FBH also closely cooperates with various universities, in the frame of Joint Labs and and through extensive teaching activities. FBH's Management team consists of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Scheele as Scientific Managing Director and Dr. Karin-Irene Eiermann as Administrative Managing Director. Moreover, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Scheele has been holding the chair for Microwaves and Optoelectronics at Technische Universität Berlin since 2024.

Sole shareholder of FBH gGmbH is the State of Berlin, represented by the Senate Department for Finance. As a public research institute, the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut is funded by the State of Berlin and the Federal Government.

In order to systematically organize its business processes in research and development as well as in technology transfer, the institute uses an efficient, process-oriented integrated management system (IMS). Moreover, three colleagues are responsible for internal and external communications at the FBH.

The "Technical Services" at FBH ensure the smooth operation of the cleanrooms and further laboratories covering an area of almost 4,000 square meters in total. A team of 10 service specialists is repsonsible for the undisturbed operation of the technical infrastructure in the laboratories, including energy, air-conditioning and safety technology. The institute also has its in-house CNC precision workshop, which designs and manufactures individual workpieces for the research activities.