Current Projects
The Joint Lab Integrated Quantum Sensors at FBH is involved in the following projects:
- KACTUS-II: Development of miniaturised, UHV-compatible optical systems for use on atom chips
- QCHIP: Advanced concepts for integrated optical systems on atom chips
- CAPTAIN-QT: Ceramic additive manufacturing technologies for applications of integrated quantum technologies
- VelocimEITer: Development of an atomic ensemble based velocimeter
- MyoQuant: Integrated quantum-optical magnetometers for magnetomyography on the ISS
- QUICK3: Quantum photonic components for secure communication with small satellites
- Inno-QT: Innovation Forum Photonic Quantum Technologies
- QFA: Quantum Futur Academy
At the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin we support the following projects:
- SOLIS 1G: Development of strontium-based optical lattice clocks for space applications
- QUASENS: Development of a quantum sensor based on strontium beams
- OPUS-II: Development of a strontium beam-based frequency reference for use under zero gravity conditions
- ROSC: Development of miniaturized gas cell systems and compact rubidium frequency references
- OG2G: Evaluation of optical clocks and space qualification processes for use on GALILEO satellites
- OPTIMO-II: Optical quantum memories in space
- QuMSeC: Quantum memories for secure communication channels of tomorrow's society
- QUANTUS-V: Ultracold quantum gases and matter wave interferometry in zero gravity
- DESIRE: Development of a laser system for the search for dark energy in the Einstein Elevator
- INTENTAS: Interferometry with entangled atoms in space