
You are studying physics, electrical engineering, high frequency engineering, microsystems engineering, ... and have successfully acquired the theory at university. Now it's time to gain practical experience.

At the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut you can already gain professional experience during your studies in one of the internationally leading research facilities for III-V compound semiconductors. We supervise final theses (Bachelor/Master), employ student assistants and offer internships.


Are you interested in our research topics in photonics, integrated quantum technology, III/V electronics or III/V technology and would like to write your thesis (Bachelor/Master)?

We offer...

  • excellently equipped laboratories
  • exciting research topics
  • committed colleagues for professional exchange
  • motivated professional supervisors

Convinced? We also advertise theses in our job announcements.

Nothing found? Submit your initiative application here!

Jobs for students

Earn money while studying? We offer students of physics, electrical engineering, microsystems engineering, ... positions as student assistants.

We offer...

  • open and supportive team
  • excellent infrastructure/laboratory equipment
  • working hours typically: 9 hours per week - flexible to fit semester breaks.
  • current wage per hour: 13,00 €
  • vacation entitlement in accordance with the German Federal Vacation Act

We are also looking for student assistants in the areas of science management and administration. We are looking forward to receiving your application with the usual documents.

Click here for the vacancies .


Whether orientation internship, internship semester, internship during the semester break.... at FBH, we welcome students who are interested in gaining an insight into the world of work.

General conditions for an internship at FBH

  • minimum period internship - 4 weeks
  • time per week - variable
  • Immatrikulation - nicht notwendig bei einem Orientierungspraktikum

You want to apply for an internship? Then please submit your initiative application here. In the application, please name the areas at our institute you are interested in.

Our job offers!