
The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut is jointly led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Scheele as Scientific Managing Director and Dr. Karin-Irene Eiermann as Administrative Managing Director. Together they develop the overall scientific and economic strategy of the institute and are responsible for the technical infrastructure and quality assurance.

Dynamic duo: Dr. Karin-Irene Eiermann and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Scheele (© M. Baumbach)

The Scientific Managing Director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Scheele is responsible for the strategic focus of the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut in science and research, academic teaching and technology transfer. He secures the scientific-technical results and represents the company both in academia and the research-political environment.

Dr. Karin-Irene Eiermann holds the commercial, budgetary and administrative responsibility. She is responsible for the science-supporting divisions Human Resources, Finance and Accounting, IT Services, the Cooperation and Contract Management as well as Compliance. In addition, she is the contact person for shareholders and funding organizations regarding administrative matters.