Science Management

The Science Management Department acts as an interface between science, industry, and education & training within the institute. With its comprehensive services, the interdisciplinary team supports scientists in strategy development, project management as well as in networking and educational activities.

The department also offers some of these services to the institute's cooperation partners. These include, for example, customized management structures for the coordination of complex networks between science and industry, as well as securing skilled personnel in academia and vocational education and training in the high-tech sector.

Research Management & Transfer

The Science Management Department plays a central role in initiating and coordinating technology initiatives, structural cooperation, and strategic networks. It is responsible for administrative and non-scientific work in developing complex collaborative projects, in applying for funding and in managing such project consortia. The current focus is on the coordination of the consortium Advanced UV for Life, funded within the Zwanzig20 (Twenty20) program of the BMBF. The institute also provides scientific services to customers from research and industry. Innovative product ideas are transferred to the economy through the Prototype Engineering Lab and its spin-offs.

Education & Training Management 

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut has been promoting dual and academic education and training as well as provision of skilled workers in the high-tech sector for many years. Activities are focused on sustainably recruiting junior staff and secure skilled personnel for the commercial and technical sector – not only on behalf of the institute itself, but also for the Photonics Cluster in the Berlin Brandenburg region within funded projects. The ANH Berlin network (Education and Training Network High Technology), located at the FBH, counsels and actively supports companies and institutes in vocational education and training. In addition, ANH Berlin offers young people an insight into exciting professional fields as part of various career orientation programs and connects interested applicants with companies that are offering training. The proANH e. V. association was founded to consolidate these activities.