Quantum Light Modules

Hybrid integrated miniaturized quantum light modules are newly developed components for mid-infrared (mid-IR) hyperspectral imaging and quantum optical coherence tomography (OCT) sensing.

Our quantum light modules are based on entangled photon pairs that are brought to interference in a nonlinear interferometer - and in this way gain access to the mid-IR spectral range. Measurements are made solely in the NIR. Thus, neither detectors nor radiation sources in the mid-IR are required. For the quantum light modules, we assemble novel laser diodes, micro-optical elements and a nonlinear optical crystal in a very small space.

Our current projects

Quantum OCT in mid-IR (QUIN)

In project QUIN we are currently developing a miniaturized sensor head for 3D-quantum imaging using optical coherence tomography with entangled photons in the mid-infrared. For example, this sensor head can be combined with a high-resolution spectrometer to calculate distance and structure information. Such a sensor system will provide 3D-depth information.


  • Quantum OCT of ceramic and polymer materials

typical wavelengths

  • 3,5 - 4,1 µm


  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT
  • Solectrix
  • Brüder Neumeister
  • BASF (associated partner)
  • Arges (associated partner)
  • Brilliance Fab Berlin (associated partner)
  • Solectrix Systems (associated partner)

Spectral quantum light microscopy in the mid-IR

The miniaturized quantum light modules that we are currently developing can be used in interaction  with other modules, such as detection and analysis modules, in microscopy and environmental analysis, respectively.


  • Environmental analytics

Typical wavelengths

  • 3.2 - 3.6 µm


  • Wessling
  • eagleyard Photonics,
  • Westphalia DataLab
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Quantum based early diagnostics (QEED)

We develop high-power diode lasers at 1170 nm and 720 nm, which we micro-integrate in quantum light modules with nonlinear crystals. Together with other components from the project partners, the FBH Prototype Engineering Lab assembles these into a QEED system. The QEED system is a component of a demonstrator that is being developed and tested by the project partners for an imaging method for the early diagnosis of cancer.


  • Medicine

typical wavelengths

  • 3.3 - 10 µm


  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT
  • Charité Universitätsmedzin Berlin
  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • Sacher Lasertechnik
  • art photonics
  • Sill Optics
  • LaVision Biotec
  • Miltenyi Biotec

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