Transistor Modeling

Integrated circuits are designed relying on simulation software and cannot be tuned after being fabricated. The accuracy of the simulation software is therefore crucial for successful MMIC design. Transistor models are most decisive for simulation accuracy, as they are the mathematical description of the electrical and thermal transistor behavior. Since the FBH’s core research field is semiconductor technology, transistor modeling is a continuous challenge.

Models are developed for all processes of the FBH foundry, for InP-transfer substrate HBT as well as for GaN-HEMT devices. Since different applications require different models, we characterize small-signal, noise, and large-signal performance of our devices. Advanced transistors frequently cannot be described through previously published models or even models available in commercial circuit simulators. Examples for the outcome of our research are the FBH-HBT model that is currently used for the InP-HBTs, models for white and 1/f noise of HBT as well as a nonlinear noise model for GaN HEMTs, and a model for packaged transistors.

EM simulation setup used to study parasitic effects
EM simulation setup used to study parasitic effects in the vicinity of the active region in an InP HBT. The simulations are performed for the frequency range up to 110 GHz.

Current research activities:

  • physics-based modelling of GaN HEMTs
  • high-frequent switching behavior of GaN HEMTs and InP HBTs
  • AlN HEMTs and strained GaN technology

The research regarding transistor modeling is performed in cooperation with the Brandenburg Technical University BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, department  Fachgebiet Hochfrequenz- und Mikrowellentechnik, Ulrich-L.-Rohde Stiftungsprofessur, within the Joint Lab BTU-CS - FBH Microwave.


Current projects

Characterization and modeling of low-frequency dispersion in gallium-nitride transistors in switch-mode operation

DFG material aid

Cooperation project with Prof. Ingmar Kallfass, University Stuttgart, and Prof. Dan Ritter, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa

Integrated transceivers for 5G mobile communication in strained GaN-HEMT technology 

DFG material aid

Project information

Ka-band AlN amplifier MMICs 

BMBF-funded project focusing on innovative power transistors based on the new materialsystem aluminium-nitride - ForMikro-LeitBAN (in German)

Direct extraction of dispersive large-signal GaN-HEMT models from non-linear measurements 

DFG material aid

Project information

Digital power amplifiers for energy efficient, wireless sub-THz communication 

DFG material aid

Project information