Pulsed Diode Lasers

We develop customized diode lasers that can generate short (µs) to ultrashort (ps) laser pulses. Such pulses are needed for a variety of applications such as material and bioanalysis, free space communication or laser metrology including LiDAR. In addition, our diode lasers are used as seed lasers.

Different types of pulse generation

Graphic schematic representation of a 3-section DBR laser
Schematic representation of a 3-section DBR laser

Depending on the repetition rate, duration and power of the required pulses, different types of pulse generation are applicable:

Gain-switched diode lasers

generate pulses via the time-changing optical gain within the laser resonator. This is achieved via direct modulation of the drive current. The frequency can additionally be stabilized with integrated Bragg gratings.

  • pulse duration: > 0.1 ns
  • peak powers: up to 4 W (RW laser), 18 W (tapered RW laser), 30 W (DBR BA laser)
  • flexible repetition rate

Q-switched diode laser 

enable short pulses with a flexible repetition rate by externally controlling the internal resonator losses. During periods of high internal losses, energy is stored in the laser. By reducing the losses, this energy is finally released in the form of a short and intense laser pulse.

  • pulse duration: 10 ps to 100 ps
  • up to 2 W peak power (RW laser)
  • flexible repetition rate

Mode-locked diode lasers 

synchronize the longitudinal laser modes in such a way that very short, periodically repeating laser pulses are emitted. This synchronization is achieved by a saturable absorber inserted into the laser resonator.

  • pulse duration: 1 ps to 15 ps
  • up to 1 W peak power (RW laser)
  • repetition rate is given by the resonator length