Beam Sources for High-Power Laser Applications

We exploit FBH technology and expertise to develop and assemble novel high-power laser modules for our partners and customers in research and industry. These modules offer high performance up to multiple kWs of output optical power, thus enabling new applications and enhancing performance in existing applications. They could either be used in direct applications or as pump sources for other gain media.

Current applications that utilize our high-power laser stacks and pump modules include:

  • 780 nm pumps for high-energy-class MIR lasers (HECMIR)
  • 915 nm modules for direct material processing (BRISCL)
  • 940 nm pumps for high-repetition-rate pumping of high-pulse-energy systems (EuPRAXIA)
  • 808 nm pumps for space applications (MERLIN)
  • 665 nm pumps for alexandrite lasers (paper)

Tailored picosecond pulse sources

all-in-one picosecond pulse laser source PLS 1030

With our PLS series, our Protoype Engineering Lab offers very efficient pulsed laser sources, combining in-house developed optical and electronic semiconductor components. The all-in-one solution consists of a mode-locked laser, an innovative pulse picker element, and an optical amplifier. It provides freely selectable repetition frequencies, from the hertz to the megahertz range. The laser source is ideally suited for application in materials processing, especially in connection with fiber amplifiers.

The laser sources achieve values depending on the integrated laser

  • wavelengths 1030 nm, 1064 nm, further upon request
  • pulse widths from 5 to 15 ps
  • freely selectable repetition frequencies, from the hertz to the megahertz range
  • pulse peak powers of more than 20 watts