High-Power Broad-Area Lasers

FBH develops tailor-made laser diodes (in single-emitter and bar configurations) for partners and customers in research and industry for the pumping of solid-state lasers and for direct applications in material processing and medical technology.

The aim of our research work is to understand and address the limitations to power, efficiency and beam quality of high-power broad-area diode lasers. Further research topics include increasing reliability and reducing spectral linewidth in the wavelength range between 630–1200 nm. In addition, we are investigating novel device concepts, such as technology for monolithic wavelength stabilization.

Single emitters

Schematic diagram of a single-emitter broad-area laser

We achieve high output powers by electrically pumping large-area devices with emitting apertures of 30 – 1200 µm and resonator lengths up to 8 mm. Applications range from remote sensing, illumination, pumping of solid state, fiber and gas lasers to measurement and control, medical technology, sensor technology and material processing.


Laser bars

Schematic diagram of a laser bar

Laser bars consist of several broad-area lasers arranged laterally into a single component. It is thus possible to achieve an output power of more than 1500 W from a single source. Laser bars are used to pump solid-state, fiber and alkali-gas lasers (e.g. space applications and high-energy-class solid-state laser systems). They are also used in direct material processing, e.g. as sources for spectral beam combined systems. Other applications include free-space communications, printing and medical technology.