Advanced UV for Life e.V.
The "Advanced UV for Life" consortium (2013-2021) was one of the ten successful consortia in the "Zwanzig20 – Partnerschaft für Innovation" competition announced and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). More than 40 projects were funded within the consortium with a total of almost 45 million Euros. The interdisciplinary consortium "Advanced UV for Life" managed by the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut comprised 49 partners - research institutions as well as industrial companies.
The succesful cooperation has since been consolidated in the association of the same name, "Advanced UV for Life e.V.".
The association aims to advance innovative and environmentally friendly UV semiconductor-based solutions and to transfer them from research to application.

Semiconductor Technologies & Devices
- AlN substrates
- Epitaxy & monitoring tools
- UV photodetector chips
Modules & Metrology
- Mounting & packaging
- Encapsulation technology
- Actuation & control
- UV metrology
- <i>in vivo</i> sun protection
- multi-resistant germs
- Redox status in blood & skin
- UVB phototherapy
Environment & Life Sciences
- Horticultural lighting
- Secondary plant metabolites
- Environmental analysis
- DNA extraction & detection
- Water purification
- Surface decontamination
- Air disinfection
- Germ detection
- 2D & 3D UV printing
- Lightweight construction
- UV curing in production processes
- UV lithography