Academic Teaching

The FBH is dedicated to academic education and training, supervising Ph.D., master, and bachelor students at the institute as well as at universities. The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut has particularly close ties with the Technische Universität Berlin via several professorships – FBH's director is also a full professor there for microwave and optoelectronics.

Current lectures and seminars

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolfgang Heinrich

TU Berlin, Faculty IV - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Institute for High-Frequency and Semiconductor System Technologies
Chair of High-Frequency Technologies

Prof. Dr. Michael Kneissl

TU Berlin, Faculty II - Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institute of Solid State Physics
Chair of Experimental Nanophysics and Photonics

  • "Solid State Physics I", lecture (winter semester), master's level
  • "Solid State Physics II", lecture (summer semester), master's level
  • "Modern concepts in optoelectronics", seminar course (winter semester, credits), master's level
  • "Experimentelle Methoden der Physik" , lecture (winter semester), bachelor's level

Dr. Markus Krutzik

HU Berlin, Department of Physics

  • "Advanced Optical Sciences"  lecture and excercise class, (summer semester), master's level
  • "Optics & Photonics" seminar (summer semester), master's level
  • Deeptech Entrepreneurship Lab – Turning Research Projects into Startup Ideas (summer & winter semester)

Dr. Anna Mogliatenko

HU Berlin, Department of Physics
Chair of Structural Research/Electron Microscopy

  • "Grundlagen der Kristallographie und Kristalldefekte", part of lecture with Dr. Holm Kirmse, dealing with crystal defects (summer semester)

Prof. Dr. Achim Peters

HU Berlin, Department of Physics
Chair Optical Metrology

  • "Experimentalphysik für Biologen/Chemiker I", lecture (summer semester)
  • "Experimentalphysik für Biologen/Chemiker II", lecture (winter semester)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Rudolph

Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, MINT Faculty for mathematics, computer science, physics, electrical engineering and information technology
Fachgebiet Hochfrequenz- und Mikrowellentechnik, Ulrich-L.-Rohde Chair for RF and Microwave Techniques

  • "Introduction to Radio Frequency Techniques", lecture/tutorial (winter semester)
  • "Microwave Electronics", seminar (winter semester)
  • "Digital Wireless Systems", lecture/tutorial (summer semester)
  • "RF Measurement", lecture/lab training (summer semester)
  • "Microwave CAD", internship/project lab (summer semester)

Prof. Dr. Tim Schröder

HU Berlin, Department of Physics
Integrated Quantum Photonics Group

  • "Advanced Optical Sciences"  lecture and excercise class, (summer semester), master's level
  • "Milestones of Quantum Technology II"  seminar, (summer semester), master's level
  • "Optics & Photonics" seminar (summer semester), master's level
  • "Applied Photonics" lecture (winter semester)
  • "Grundlagen der Quantenphysik"  seminar (winter semester)

Prof. Dr. Nils Weimann

University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE)
Department High Frequency Electronic Components

  • Festkörperelektronik, lecture (summer semester), bachelor level
  • Elektronische Bauelemente, lecture (winter semester), bachelor level
  • Hochfrequenz-Schaltungen und Leistungselektronik, lecture (summer semester), master's level
  • Elektronische Schaltungen, lecture (summer semester, master's level
  • Halbleitertechnologie, lecture (winter semester), master's level
  • Nanoelektronik, lecture (winter semester), master's level
  • THz- und Höchstfrequenztechnologien, lecture (winter semester), master's level

to the courses & lectures (in German)

Prof. Dr. Markus Weyers

TU Berlin, Faculty II - Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institute of Solid State Physics