Integrated Quantum Technology

Within its research area Integrated Quantum Technology, FBH carries out R&D activities that aim at bringing quantum technology (QT) from proof-of-concept demonstrations in a quantum optics lab to industry, so as to pave the way for the second quantum revolution to unfold its potential for tomorrow’s society. Applications include quantum sensing, quantum communication, quantum simulation, and quantum computing.

FBH builds on its core competencies, III-V semiconductor, microwave and diode laser technology, and extends its portfolio where necessary. In order to account for the fact that QT currently features an early technology readiness level and related research – to a large extent – is still fundamental, FBH teams up with university partners in order to cover the full value chain, from concept development and demonstration through technology development all the way to the final components and subsystems. In specific cases, FBH even develops systems that enable operation in a realistic environment, i.e., in the field or in space.

Labtour Integrated Quantum Technology - a look behind the scenes

Andreas Wicht takes us on a tour through the Integrated Quantum Technology labs, where complex micro-integrated modules are created that are used e.g. in space