Technische Universität Berlin

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut and the Technische Universität Berlin (TU) are closely connected by various activities and joint research projects.
In addition, FBH’s Sceintific Managing Director, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Scheele Tränkle is holding a chair on microwaves and optoelectronics at the Institute of High-Frequency and Semiconductor System Technologies, Faculty IV (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science). Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Heinrich, the head of FBH's Microwave Department was appointed professor for High-Frequency Technologies at the same faculty in June 2008. In June 2014, Prof. Dr. Markus Weyers, the head of FBH's Materials Department, was appointed adjunct professor for Applied Physics at the Institute of Solid State Physics, Faculty II (Mathematics and Natural Sciences) at TU Berlin. Further scientists of the FBH contribute to academic education of next generation scientists with their university teaching positions.