ERA-Shuttle study visit

FBH news: 04.12.2024

On 03.12.2024, a delegation from Steinbeis Wissens- und Technologietransfer GmbH as well as rectors, chancellors and research managers from the universities of Gdańsk, Malta, Split and the CERIC-ERIC visited FBH.

We had the pleasure of welcoming our colleagues at our institute and present our Prototype Engineering Lab. Dr. Neysha Lobo Ploch introduced our Plug & Play solutions for market-oriented products, processes and services. This setup offers companies easier access to cutting-edge research results in the form of real-world functional models and prototypes.

The visit took place as part of the ERA SHUTTLE (Accelerating ERA by Sharing Unique Talents for healThy Life and Environment), a collaborative initiative designed to enhance research and innovation capacity within the European Research Area.

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