FBH paper among the top downloads

FBH news: 21.03.2024

The publication "Portable shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy for on-site soil analysis" authored by Martin Maiwald, Kay Sowoidnich, and Bernd Sumpf is not only among the top 10% downloads but also one of the top cited articles of the Journal of Raman Spectroscopy.

The paper is about supporting soil analysis using Raman spectroscopy as a substance-specific measurement method that can be utilized on site. The information obtained in the field can be used for targeted soil management in agriculture. The FBH carried out pilot investigations using shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy (SERDS) as part of an on-site soil analysis. For this purpose, monolithic dual-wavelength diode lasers for SERDS were developed at the institute. One of these excitation light sources was integrated into an in-house realized portable sensor system and successfully used in the field.

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