New pioneering Leibniz Lab to combat pandemics: Pandemic Preparedness

Press release: 21.03.2024

The newly launched Leibniz Lab "Pandemic Preparedness: One Health, One Future" combines excellent interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research from 41 Leibniz Institutes. For the first time in Germany, pathogen-oriented sciences (virology, bacteriology, mycology, and immunology) are cooperating with other life sciences, such as ecology, health technologies, health economics, and educational research. This new instrument of the Leibniz Association will be funded for 3 years with 3 million euros. The aim is to bundle research work in these areas to prepare for, prevent, and respond to future pandemics and to make the knowledge gained available to policy-makers in the form of evidence-based recommendations for action. The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) contributes its expertise in the development of innovative UV light-emitting diodes (UV LEDs) and related irradiation systems to the Leibniz Lab.

"In the Leibniz Lab, we will bring together the unique expertise of the Leibniz Institutes in Germany in researching respiratory pathogens (viruses, bacteria, and fungi) and their influence on the acute course of the disease as well as possible long-term consequences. This pooling of knowledge was long overdue, considering that most pandemics in the past were triggered by respiratory pathogens, especially influenza viruses," says Prof. Dr. Gülşah Gabriel, Head of the Department of Viral Zoonoses-One Health at the Leibniz Institute of Virology and spokesperson for the Leibniz Lab.

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut's research comprises diode lasers and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for medical applications, among other things. As a technology partner, the institute's activities target the field of hygiene. "We have already developed several operational UVC LED emitters that have been successfully used in practical tests, for example, at Charité," explains Dr. Sven Einfeldt, Head of the Joint Lab GaN Optoelectronics at FBH. "This allows us to contribute our many years of experience with UV surface disinfection and remote UVC antiseptics."

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