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Efficient, High Power, Wide-Aperture Single Emitter Diode Lasers Emitting at 915 nm

S. Arslan, B. King, P. Della Casa, D. Martin, A. Thies, A. Knigge, and P. Crump

Published in:

IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., vol. 36, no. 16, pp. 977-980 (2024).


We present single emitter laser diodes with high optical output power (Pout), conversion efficiency (ηE), and lateral beam quality in quasi-continuous-wave (QCW) and continuous-wave (CW) operations enabled by using very wide stripe width (ranging from 400 to 1500 μm) and laterally structured p-side contact to prevent higher order and unwanted ring modes. We show that the maximum QCW Pout increases for wider stripe and Pout of ∼ 290 W (limited by facet failure) is obtained at ηE = 60% for 1500 µm stripes using 500 µs pulse width and 10 Hz repetition-rate at a heatsink temperature of THS = 25 °C. In contrast, the maximum CW Pout of 71 W (limited by the available cooling of the test set-up) at ηE = 59% is obtained for 1000 µm stripes, with lateral-beam-parameter- product (BPPLat.) < 75 mm·mrad, which is suitable for coupling into 1 mm core 0.15 NA fiber.

Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), 12489 Berlin, Germany

Index Terms:

High-power, diode lasers, fiber coupling.

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