
Power and Efficiency Scaling of GaAs-Based Edge-Emitting High-Power Diode Lasers

P. Crump1,2, A. Boni1,3, M. Elattar1, S.K. Khamari1,4, I.P. Marko5, S.J. Sweeney5,1, S. Arslan1, B. King1, Md.J. Miah1, D. Martin1, A. Knigge1, P. Della Casa1, and G. Tränkle1

Published in:

IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., vol. 31, no. 2: Pwr. and Effic. Scaling in Semiconductor Lasers, art. 1502512 (2025).


Current progress in the scaling of continuous wave optical output power and conversion efficiency of broad-area GaAs based edge emitters, broad-area lasers (BALs), operating in the 900…1000 nm wavelength range is presented. Device research and engineering efforts have ensured that BALs remain the most efficient of all light sources, so that in the past 10 years, power conversion efficiency at 20 W continuous wave (CW) output power from BA lasers with a 90…100 μm wide stripe has increased 1.5-fold to 57% (via epitaxial layer design developments), whilst peak CW power per single emitter has increased around 3-fold to 70 W (via scaling of device size), with further scaling underway, for example via use of multi-junction designs. However, the peak achievable CW power conversion efficiency and CW specific output power (defined here as peak output power from a 100 μm stripe diode lasers with a single p-n junction) has changed remarkably little, remaining around 70% and 25 W, respectively, for the past decade. Fortunately, research to understand the limits to peak efficiency and specific output power has also shown progress. Specifically, recent studies indicate that spatial non-uniformity in optical field and temperature play a major role in limiting both power and conversion efficiency. Technological efforts motivated by these discoveries to flatten lateral and longitudinal temperature profiles have successfully increased both power and efficiency. In addition, epitaxial layer designs with very high modal gain successfully reduce threshold current and increase slope at 25 °C to values comparable to those observed at 200 K, offering a path toward the 80% conversion efficiency range currently seen only at these cryogenic temperatures. Overall, whilst operating efficiency and power continue to scale rapidly, a technological path for increased specific power and peak efficiency is also emerging.

1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), 12489 Berlin, Germany
2 University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ Glasgow, U.K.
3 now with LUMICS GmbH, 12681 Berlin, Germany
4 now with RRCAT, Indore 452013, India
5 University of Glasgow, G12 8LT Glasgow, U.K.

Index Terms:

Quantum well lasers, power conversion.

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