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Subtractive WSiN thin film resistors for RF GaN and InP MMICs

H. Yazdani, H. Yacoub, A. Bassal, T. Moule, J. Wartena and O. Hilt

Published in:

Int. Conf. on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (CS ManTech 2024), Tucson, USA, May 20-23, p. (2024).


In this study, WSiN-based thin film resistors are implemented and characterized as an alternative to NiCr-based resistors in GaN and InP MMICs. This approach simplifies the fabrication process by utilizing an etch-back technique instead of a lift-off method. Additionally, electrical evaluations have demonstrated promising stability (less than ~1%) of WSiN over 100 hours of stress, along with an absolute resistance temperature coefficient (200-300 ppm/K) which is comparable to NiCr resistors.

Ferdinand-Braun-Institut gGmbH, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Gustav-Kirchhoff-Str. 4, 12489 Berlin, Germany


Thin film resistors, MMICs, GaN, InP

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