
Wideband Automated Tuning of Ka-Band Dual Input Doherty MMIC PA using Bayesian Optimization

M. Mengozzi1, A.M. Angelotti1, G.P. Gibiino1, C. Schulze2, C. Florian1, P. Colantonio3, O. Bengtsson2, A. Santarelli1

Published in:

Proc. 18th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC 2023), Berlin, Germany, Sep. 18-19, ISBN: 978-2-87487-073-6, pp. 93-96 (2023).


Two automated procedures based on Bayesian optimization are used to search for the optimal input splitting and the optimal multi-stage gate biasing of a dual input Doherty MMIC PA in 150-mm GaN-on-SiC technology operating at 24 GHz. The results show the effectiveness of the methods in exploiting the modulated-input control for exploring the linearity-efficiency compromise across a 100-MHz-wide 5G-like high-PAPR excitation, enhancing the tuning of the MMIC for wideband performance in the Ka-Band, which is hardly possible in the design phase.

1 Dept. DEI, University of Bologna, Italy
2 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut FBH), Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Germany
3 Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy


Digital predistortion, Optimization, Power amplifier, Doherty PA, Modulated measurements.

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