1. Ferdinand-Braun-Institut
  2. Events
  3. DPG Spring Meeting SAMOP 2025

DPG Spring Meeting SAMOP 2025

Conference: 09.-14.03.2025, Bonn, Germany

The DPG Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP) will take place on the campus of the University of Bonn. FBH will participate with numerous contributions.

Di., 11.03.2025

  • Standalone mobile quantum memory system
  • Machine learning optimized time-averaged potentials
  • Evaluation of machine learning algorithms for applications in quantum gas experiments
  • Shot-noise limited detection system for the INTENTAS project
  • Numerical simulations and differential wavefront analysis for a Ramsey-Bordé interferometry based optical clock

Mi., 12.03.2025

  • Ultra-stable miniaturized optical systems for compactatom-based quantum sensors
  • Ramsey-Bordé atom interferometry with a thermal strontium beam for a compact optical clock
  • Towards Miniaturized Spaceborne Rubidium Two-Photon Frequency References
  • Implementing the SUPER Scheme for Tin-Vacancy Spin Qubit Manipulation and Entanglement
  • Design and characterization of a laser system for air-borne gravimetry
  • Frequency Response of Surface Bragg Gratings for Monolithic Extended Cavity Diode Lasers
  • Implementation of a laser system for alkali vapor MEMS cell activation 

Do., 13.03.2025

  • All-optical squeezed BEC generation for microgravity operation 

Fr., 14.04.2025

  • Measuring MHz charge dynamics in diamond with a tin-vacancy color center
  • Exploring non-Markovian dynamics in microwave spin control of group-IV color centers coupled to a phononic bath
  • Micro-Integrated ECDL-MOPA Laser Modules for Quantum Technology Applications
  • CMT-Driven Dual Fitting of 3D FDTD Bragg Grating Reflectance and Transmittance Data
  • Nonlinear SnV-Based Electrometry for Material Science at the Atomic Lattice Scale 

Please refer to the conference website for further information.