DPG-Frühjahrstagung SAMOP 2025
Die DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Photonik (SAMOP) findet auf dem Campus der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn statt. Das FBH beteiligt sich mit zahlreichen Vorträgen.
Di., 11.03.2025
- Standalone mobile quantum memory system
- Machine learning optimized time-averaged potentials
- Evaluation of machine learning algorithms for applications in quantum gas experiments
- Shot-noise limited detection system for the INTENTAS project
- Numerical simulations and differential wavefront analysis for a Ramsey-Bordé interferometry based optical clock
Mi., 12.03.2025
- Ultra-stable miniaturized optical systems for compactatom-based quantum sensors
- Ramsey-Bordé atom interferometry with a thermal strontium beam for a compact optical clock
- Towards Miniaturized Spaceborne Rubidium Two-Photon Frequency References
- Implementing the SUPER Scheme for Tin-Vacancy Spin Qubit Manipulation and Entanglement
- Design and characterization of a laser system for air-borne gravimetry
- Frequency Response of Surface Bragg Gratings for Monolithic Extended Cavity Diode Lasers
- Implementation of a laser system for alkali vapor MEMS cell activation
Do., 13.03.2025
- All-optical squeezed BEC generation for microgravity operation
Fr., 14.04.2025
- Measuring MHz charge dynamics in diamond with a tin-vacancy color center
- Exploring non-Markovian dynamics in microwave spin control of group-IV color centers coupled to a phononic bath
- Micro-Integrated ECDL-MOPA Laser Modules for Quantum Technology Applications
- CMT-Driven Dual Fitting of 3D FDTD Bragg Grating Reflectance and Transmittance Data
- Nonlinear SnV-Based Electrometry for Material Science at the Atomic Lattice Scale
Nähere Informationen finden Sie auf der Konferenz-Website.