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NiCr resistors for terahertz applications in an InP DHBT process

D. Stoppel, I. Ostermay, M. Hrobak, T. Shivan, M. Hossain, M. Reiner, N. Thiele, K. Nosaeva, M. Brahem, V. Krozer, S. Boppel, N. Halder, N. Weimann

Published in:

Microelectron. Eng., vol. 208, pp. 1-6 (2019).


In this article we report on the development of nickel-chrome (NiCr) thin film resistors (TFRs) for application in an Indium Phosphide (InP) Hetero-Bipolar Transistor process. We developed a stable process with low specific contact resistance, in which the sputtered NiCr is structured by lift-off. We measured a specific contact resistance to NiCr of 8 × 10-10 Ω · cm2. Furthermore we show the difficulties of structuring NiCr with an acid and connecting the NiCr from the top. Stress tests exhibited a high thermal resistance and high operation temperature of the NiCr on top of our BCB stack. Implemented NiCr resistors exhibit excellent agreement between simulation and measurement for high frequency applications. The utilization of the TFRs in microwave circuits showing excellent usability for microwave and terahertz applications.

Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Gustav-Kirchhoff-Str. 4, 12489 Berlin, Germany


InP, NiCr, Resistor, Terahertz, Simulation, Thermal

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