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  3. Defect Reduction and Yield Imp ...


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Defect Reduction and Yield Improvement of MIM Capacitors

S.A. Chevtchenko, I. Ostermay, S. Troppenz, J. Würfl, and O. Hilt

Published in:

Int. Conf. on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (CS ManTech 2024), Tucson, USA, May 20-23, p. (2024).


The aim of this work is to observe and analyze strain related effects in MIM capacitor structures that lead to a degradation of fabrication yield. Our results indicate that the strain difference between the layers forming a MIM structure lead to stress-induced defects in the SiNx insulator layer. These defects can be observed, and they become a significant yield limitation when the area / capacitance of the MIM structures is increased. Based on our technology, we propose a few process and design modifications to address the stress-related issues. Each approach was tested, and the resulting yield is presented.

Ferdinand-Braun-Institut gGmbH, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Gustav-Kirchhoff-Str. 4, 12489 Berlin, Germany


Fabrication yield, MMIC, MIM capacitor, stress, defects

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