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Heterointegration of mm-Wave InP-HBT Power Amplifier Chiplets on SiGe-BiCMOS Chip

H. Yacoub1, M. Rausch1, C. Stölmacker1, R. Doerner1, M. Hossain1, I. Ostermay1, T. Moule1, M. Wietstruck2, S. Knigge1, O. Krüger1, W. Heinrich1

Published in:

Proc. 18th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC 2023), Berlin, Germany, Sep. 18-19, ISBN: 978-2-87487-073-6, pp. 169-172 (2023).


In this paper we demonstrate InP chiplet heterointegration on SiGe-BiCMOS carriers for mm-wave applications. A flip-chip type of assembly with indium-based microbumps allows for seamless integration with minimal losses up to more than 300 GHz. A single-stage InP-HBT power amplifier was used to highlight the functionality of the heterointegration approach.

1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Germany
2 IHP - Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik, Germany


Heterointegration, power amplifier, InP, HBT, BiCMOS, mm-wave.

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