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High-power mode-hop-free tunable DFB laser at 780 nm

M. Reggentin, O. Brox, P. Sammeta, P. Della Casa, C. Stölmacker, S. Wenzel, J.-P. Koester, H. Wenzel, and A. Knigge

Published in:

Electron. Lett., vol. 60, no. 13, pp. e13257, doi:10.1049/ell2.13257 (2024).


A distributed feedback laser with integrated quarter-wave phase shift and more than 100 mW optical output power at an emission wavelength of 780 nm is presented. The laser provides mode-hop-free tuning over a wide range of injections currents and operating temperatures by design and can serve as an enabling component for more complex systems such as chips with additional monolithically integrated amplifiers, chip arrays and sources for hybrid integrated photonic circuits.

Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), Berlin, Germany


laser tuning, optoelectronic devices

© 2024 The Author(s). Electronics Letters published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
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