
Human-Centric Concept for a Reconfigurable Robotic System Enabling Low-Volume Assembly of Photonic and Quantum Modules

A. Wicht1, T. Franke1, A. Hahn1, N. Håkansson1, C. Kürbis1, R. Smol1, T. Hulin2,3, T. Eiband2, P. Lehner2, M. Mühlbauer4,2, K. Nottensteiner2, R. Pietschmann5, B. Thaler5,6, D. Thaler5,7, and J. Bosse5

Published in:

IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2025), Munich, Germany, Jan. 21-24, ISBN 979-8-3315-3161-4, pp. 1241-1246 (2025).


This paper presents a novel concept for a reconfigurable robotic system specifically designed to meet the demands of hybrid integration for miniaturized photonic and quantum System-in-Packages (SiPs). The proposed solution introduces a distinctive approach to ultra-high-resolution, multi-telerobotic assembly and inspection. By integrating key Industry 5.0 principles, it establishes a human-centric control framework that minimizes both physical and cognitive stress while ensuring the human operator remains in full control at all times.
The robotic system features eight robots working simultaneously within a compact footprint of just 5×10 cm2. A comprehensive digital twin framework constitutes a central element of the robotic system. It encompasses the robotic workcell, the SiP under assembly, and the components to be integrated, ensuring precise adherence to design specifications. Key functionalities include automated path planning in a multirobotic environment, collision avoidance in a densely packed workcell, and virtual fixtures to guide teleoperation, enhancing the operator’s control and interaction through advanced and intuitive human-machine interfaces (HMI). The proposed system meets the critical demands of ultra-high-resolution assembly for complex, high-value SiPs, providing high flexibility and ease of operation for small-batch manufacturing.

1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), 12489 Berlin, Germany
2 Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, German Aerospace Center (DLR), 82234 Wessling, Germany
3 Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI), Germany
4 Sensor Based Robotic Systems and Intelligent Assistance Systems, Technical University of Munich, 85748 Garching, Germany
5 Robo-Technology GmbH, 82178 Puchheim, Germany
6 current address: Thaler Engineering GmbH, 82223 Eichenau, Germany
7 current address: Coherent Munich GmbH & Co. KG, 82205 Gilching, Germany

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