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Modulated-Input Control and Linearization of a Multi-Port Millimeter-Wave PA by VNA-based Calibrated Wideband Measurements

M. Mengozzi1, C. Schulze2, G.P. Gibiino1, O. Bengtsson2, A.M. Angelotti1, C. Florian1, A. Santarelli1

Published in:

101st ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium (ARFTG), San Diego, USA, Jun. 16, ISBN 979-8-3503-2345-0 (2023).


An on-wafer multi-port measurement system based on a vector network analyzer (VNA) is exploited in order to perform the wideband characterization and linearization of a dual input Doherty power amplifier (PA) at millimeter-wave frequencies. By leveraging on the error-corrected wideband waves, an algorithm is proposed in order to realize modulated signal control across a 600-MHz bandwidth at the device-under-test (DUT) on-wafer plane, eventually allowing to impose a user-defined emulated splitting ratio on the dual input. The linearization performance of such an emulated PA configuration is finally evaluated.

1 Dept. DEI, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
2 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), Berlin, Germany

Index Terms:

Millimeter-Wave Measurements, Vector Network Analyzer, Power Amplifier, Digital Predistortion.

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