SPIE Photonics West 2025
Das FBH ist auf der diesjährigen SPIE Photonics West 2025 vertreten – wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch im German Pavillion, Stand 4205-18.
Nähere Informationen zu unseren Exponaten finden Sie in der Pressemitteilung.
Unser Team beteiligt sich mit zahlreichen Beiträgen am Konferenzprogramm:
- Micro-integrated laser distribution modules for low-SWaP optical atomic clocks
- High-power semiconductor laser systems at 720 nm: tailored laser light delivery for quantum technologies
- Monolithic DBR broad-area diode lasers with high conversion efficiency in the 87x-88x nm wavelength range
- Compact 1 kW diode laser module emitting at 780 nm for the efficient direct additive manufacturing of aluminum
- Shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy: a potential tool for a sustainable recycling industry
- Spectral components, initial improvement, and degradation of 265 nm UV-C LEDs
- Compact diode laser-based system for multi-photon polymerization with conventional resins
- Miniaturized wavelength stabilized laser module emitting at 619 nm
- Multi-quantum well design and carrier transport of AlGaN-based far-UVC LEDs with emission wavelengths between 225 nm and 233 nm
- Large wavelength-small quantum interferometer module: shrinking MIR OCT systems via quantum entanglement
- Shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy for the analysis of milk and dairy products
- Performance scaling of high-power diode laser pumps for fusion application
- 830 nm multimode interference coupler-based dual-wavelength master oscillator power amplifier for spectroscopic applications
- Quantification of losses in bent waveguide distributed Bragg reflector diode lasers at 785 nm
- Efficient MIR sensing with undetected photons: high brightness, miniaturized SPDC module for real world applications
- Design study on large-area all-semiconductor PCSELs
- Experimental studies of GaAs-based broad area diode lasers using highly asymmetric epitaxial structures with high modal gain: finding a path to exceeding 80% conversion efficiency at 25°C
- Wavelength tunable tapered diode lasers at 1180 nm with high spectral radiance
Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Konferenzprogramm.