New Leibniz-funded project aims at lasers with very high output powers in a narrow beam

FBH research: 19.12.2022

Fig. 1: Schematic of a Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Laser

Fig. 2: Scanning electron microscope image during the processing of a nanoscale photonic crystal array

The FBH has been selected for funding for the project PCSELence "Excellence in Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers” as part of the Leibniz Association’s “Cooperative Excellence” program. Photonic crystal surface emitting lasers (PCSELs) are a rapidly emerging technology in the field of semiconductor lasers. They incorporate a 2D photonic crystal in the laser structure for in-plane 2D feedback, while emitting light vertically as surface emission, forming an innovative three-dimensional optical resonator. The devices have the potential to combine the best characteristics of established edge emitter and VCSEL devices, with scope to bypass known performance limits in current state-of-the-art devices.

In the most recent studies, PCSELs deliver multiple watts of optical power in a narrow, circular beam directly from the diode laser, at high beam quality. Further improvements to device performance are the subject of intense world-wide research.

In the project, fundamental studies will be conducted to investigate how innovative device designs and III-V technology can be utilized to further scale PCSELs to extremely high output power. This will be achieved through combining the expertise of the cooperation partners in semiconductor laser modelling, design, fabrication, and characterization.

To this end, FBH joined forces with the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) in Berlin, and the Center of Excellence for Photonic-Crystal Surface-Emitting Lasers at Kyoto University. FBH will take the role of project leader, both working closely with project partners on device modelling and design, as well as fabricating and characterizing PCSEL devices using its state-of-the-art facilities. The project will last for three years with €1 million in total funding, and starts early 2023.