
A Highly Efficient W-Band Rectifier MMIC in InP HBT Technology

A. Wentzel#, H. Yacoub#, T.K. Johansen*, W. Heinrich#, V. Krozer#

Published in:

Proc. 17th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC 2022), Milan, Italy, Sep. 26-27, ISBN: 978-2-87487-070-5, pp. 208-211 (2022).


This paper presents a highly-efficient on-chip W-band single-diode rectifier for energy recovery in 6G transmitters and wireless power transfer applications. For the first time a W-band rectifier has been fabricated on an InP HBT process. The circuit consists of a 2 × (0.85 × 6 µm2) series p-n diode as the core rectification element and a big shunted capacitor. No input matching has been applied. At 108 GHz the rectifier achieves a measured record power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 69 % for - 1.5 dBm RF input power (RFin). The PCE reaches 14 % for RFin of about 15 dBm with 5 mW of DC output power. The chip shows a very compact size with 360 × 260 µm2 including pads.

# Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), Germany
* National Space Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark


rectifier, W-band, energy recovery, InP, triple mesa, power conversion, power transfer.

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