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Impact of Plasma Treatment of n-Al0.87Ga0.13N:Si Surfaces on V/Al/Ni/Au Contacts in Far-UVC LEDs

H.K. Cho1, J. Rass1, A. Mogilatenko1, K. Kunkel1, R.-S. Unger1, M. Schilling2, T. Wernicke2, and S. Einfeldt1

Published in:

IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., vol. 35, no. 17, pp. 915-918 (2023).


We investigated the effect of treating the surface of n-Al0.87Ga0.13N:Si by O2 or SF6 plasma on the properties of subsequently deposited and annealed V/Al/Ni/Au contacts. Whereas an O2 plasma treatment increases the contact resistivity, an SF6 plasma treatment decreases it. The operating voltage of far-UVC LEDs emitting at 233 nm could thus be reduced by 2.2 V for a current of 50 mA. The results underline the detrimental impact of oxygen on the formation of low-resistance contacts on n-AlGaN surfaces with high Al mole fraction.

1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, 12489 Berlin, Germany
2 Institute of Solid State Physics, 10623 Berlin, Germany

Index Terms:

Deep UV, light emitting diodes (LEDs), n-AlGaN, n-contact, surface treatment.

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