Material interfaces as performance-limiting factors in high power GaAs-based diode lasers
P. Crump and G. Tränkle
Published in:
European Semiconductor Laser Workshop (ESLW 2020), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, on-line event, Dec. 4-5, pp. 12-13 (2020).
We review recent studies into internal and external material interface effects in GaAs-based broad-area diode-lasers, where these limit power and efficiency. The finite capture time for carriers into the active region leads to ∼10 mΩ additional electrical resistance, 30...50% of the total. Oxygen incorporation at regrown interfaces reduces power by > 20%, unless advanced in-situ-etch techniques are used. Limited heat transfer at the p-side GaAs-metal interface adds ∼1 K/W thermal resistance, ∼ 30-40% of the total. Longitudinal hole-burning effects lead to current-crowding near the front facet, limiting power and efficiency.
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Gustav-Kirchhoff-Str. 4, 12489 Berlin, Germany
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