On the Survivability of a 28 - 32 GHz GaN Low Noise Amplifier
S. Haque1, C. Andrei1, H. Yazdani2, M. Rudolph1,2
Published in:
Proc. 18th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC 2023), Berlin, Germany, Sep. 18-19, ISBN: 978-2-87487-073-6, pp. 17-20 (2023).
This paper presents a 28 - 32 GHz 2-stage low noise amplifier (LNA). The LNA was designed and fabricated using Ferdinand-Braun-Institut’s (FBH) 0.15 µm GaN on SiC process. Three samples of LNAs were characterized showing a small-signal gain of 15.3 - 16.3 dB and noise figure of 2.8 - 3.2 dB within the bandwidth. The input and output reflection coefficients are found to be better than −7.4 dB and −9.5 dB, respectively. The LNA samples were stressed with an input power up to 34.4 dBm at 30 GHz CW. Post-stress measurements reveal only a threshold shift in the first stage transistor without any significant change in the small-signal and noise performance.
1 Ulrich L. Rohde Chair of RF and Microwave Techniques, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany
2 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Germany
low noise amplifier, GaN HEMT, Ka-band, mm-wave, robustness.
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