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  3. Design and Analysis of a 50 GH ...


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Design and Analysis of a 50 GHz InP DHBT Class-E Power Amplifier Providing 2.3 mW/µm2

V.P. Sriperumbuduri1,2, H. Yacoub2, A. Wentzel2, T.K. Johansen2,3, M. Rudolph1,2

Published in:

Proc. 18th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC 2023), Berlin, Germany, Sep. 18-19, ISBN: 978-2-87487-073-6, pp. 285-288 (2023).


For the commercial success of mm-wave 5G technologies, there is a need for high-output power and efficient power amplifier systems. In this paper, we demonstrate the capability of InP DHBT devices at the V band and achieve a high power density of 2.3 mW/µm2 at 50 GHz. The simulated and measured class E is analysed and compared with an analytical HBT switching model. A single-stage, single-finger of 0.85×6 µm2 (emitter area) class E power amplifier is designed to reach this high power density with a PAE of 28.3 %.

1 FG Hochfrequenz- und Mikrowellentechnik Ulrich-L.-Rohde Stiftungsprofessur, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany
2 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Germany
3 Technical University of Denmark, Denmark


InP DHBT, Class E, power amplifier, power density, analytical switch model, HBT.

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