Photonics West 2022
FBH-Wissenschaftler präsentieren aktuelle Ergebnisse auf der kommenden Photonics West. Das FBH ist an mehreren Beiträgen beteiligt:
Thin-film flip-chip UVB LEDs realized by electrochemical etching
Thin-film UV VCSELs and LEDs by electrochemical etching
Out of the blue: UV VCSELs
Development of far-UVC LEDs and their application in irradiation systems for antisepsis and sensing
Conduction properties and threshold voltage instability in β-Ga2O3 MOSFETs
635 nm tapered diode lasers with more than 2000 h operation at 500 mW output power
Micro-electroluminescence and micro-photoluminescence study on GaN-based laser-diode aging
Investigation of astigmatism in tapered edge-emitting diode amplifiers at 980 nm
Coherent beam combining progress on diode lasers and tapered amplifiers at 808 nm
Simulation of optical feedback propagating through tapered amplifiers
On-site Shifted Excitation Raman Difference Spectroscopy for Soil Investigations